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Caregiver points to yoga as stress relief for sandwich generation

March 31, 2011

Lisa Moore knows exactly what it’s like to be part of the sandwich generation – in addition to caring for her 88-year-old mother, who has Alzheimer’s, she is raising her 17-year-old daughter, according to her column in The Charlotte Observer.

And what does she owe her juggling abilities to? Yoga.

“I learned how to steady my mind and shift my thinking to a moment-to-moment basis,” she writes for the publication. “I’m now able to remain more calm, focused and nonreactive. It is with these tools that I manage the difficult emotions that arise as I witness my Mom’s slow decline due to Alzheimer’s.”

She encourages others to practice the activity as well, and says that it can help older adults stay mobile and may even aid cognitive function.

Stress relief is a big part of caregiving. Another way families may be able to have some peace of mind is by installing a medical alert system in a senior’s home. Medical alert systems enable older adults to instantly send a personal emergency response message if they require assistance.

The Mayo Clinic states that yoga can help increase fitness levels, and also have positive effects on anxiety and stress levels. Additionally, it may boost a person’s mood.

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