Elderly alert system can help divide responsibilities between siblings
As parents age, they may require more help with day-to-day activities, as well as financial responsibilities....
January 7, 2011
Caregiver Relief Fund, medical alarm can help caregivers
When Leena's father fell five years ago, he suffered severe injuries that left him a quadriplegic. This placed a caregiving burden on her mother, who had to attend to him as the couple aged ...
December 14, 2010
Medical alarm can help children plan for caregiving responsibilities
Most Americans don't think of the possibility that, in the future, their parents may require extensive care and even move in with them. ...
October 22, 2010
Elderly alert system can help strained family relationships
A number of studies have revealed the negative effects that caring for an elderly parent can have on an adult child in the workplace, but new findings reveal that the stress of the sandwich ...
October 14, 2010
Vacationing with or without elderly parents
Many baby boomers are now taking care of their aging parents and, according to the New York Times, this can be a particularly stressful responsibility when it comes to vacations. While it's ...
August 17, 2010