Check in on elderly loved ones during the holidays
December 19, 2011
Many seniors across the nation are opting to age in place rather than relocating to a senior living community or moving in with relatives. Although many remain capable of taking care of themselves as they age, family members do need to check in from time to time to ensure they are still going strong, the Salisbury Post reports.
According to the publication, the holidays can be a great time to visit and assess the living situation of a senior loved one. Visitors should first check the kitchen, as this room can really showcase how well an elderly person is doing. The fridge of a sufficient senior should be stocked with plenty of food and fresh produce. A parent who may be having a difficult time managing the home may have barren cupboards or expired food in the fridge.
Guests may also want to check out the bathroom for any fall hazards and might want to talk with neighbors to gauge how well parents are actually doing.
If it seems all is well, adult children may still want an elderly relative to wear a medical alert smartwatch for peace of mind. This device gives a loved one access to help with just a push of a button.