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Frequently Asked Questions

August 12, 2014



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Medical Alert Systems 101

What is a Medical Alert System?
How Does the System Work?
Comparing Medical Alert Systems


General Equipment Information
Compatible Phone Systems
Setup and Installation

Billing & Warranty

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What is a Medical Alert System?

Medical alert systems are designed for simplicity. The equipment typically consists of two components. First is the base station, which plugs into a standard electrical outlet and a standard phone jack. Second is the transmitter, which is usually a button worn as a necklace or wristband.

Who should use a medical alert system?

Alert systems are designed to help people who fall into any of the following categories:

  • Live alone or left alone for extended periods by caregiver.
  • Use mobility assisted devices (walkers, canes, crutches, wheelchairs).
  • Have functional limitations in performing two or more ADL (activities of daily living).
  • Live in an unsafe neighborhood, or feel unsafe at home.
  • Have home safety hazards which are not correctable, or expense considerations.
  • Are more than 75 years of age.
  • Have sensory deficits (vision or hearing).
  • Have a history of falls.
  • Have been hospitalized within the last 12 months.
  • Are physically frail.
  • Have a history of medication management problems.
  • Have a cognitive deficit.

Why are medical alert services so critical for seniors living alone?

  • Every 18 seconds an older adult is treated in an emergency room for a fall.
  • Every 35 minutes, one of them dies as a result of their injuries.
  • Falls are also the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries to seniors in the U.S
  • For elderly people who live alone, becoming incapacitated and unable to get help is a common event, which usually marks the end of their ability to live independently.

How do Medical Alert Systems Work?

In the event of an emergency, you simply press the button on the transmitter or on the base station and this will initiate a call to Bay Alarm Medical’s call center, which is available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. An operator will speak to you through the base station, assess your situation, and then make the appropriate calls to get you help.

Who does Bay Alarm Medical call if there is an emergency?

When you sign up for our service, you will be asked to provide names and phone numbers for emergency contacts such as friends, relatives, neighbors, or the front desk of your building. In the event of an emergency, our Monitoring Technicians will ask you who to contact. If our Technicians cannot hear you, or if you request it, Emergency Medical Technicians will be immediately dispatched.

Who answers the calls in an emergency?

When you press the emergency button on the pendant or base station, a two-way voice call will be initiated with our Monitoring Center. Our Monitoring Technicians are five diamond-certified emergency dispatchers located in the United States.

How long does it take to get a response once the medical alarm is triggered?

It takes about 45 seconds or less for you to hear the live voice of one of our Monitoring Technicians.

What home phone services work with the Bay Alarm Medical Alert System?

Our system is compatible with all standard phone lines and cable providers such as: Comcast, Time Warner, Charter, and Cox. We are compatible with most VOIP solutions including AT&T and Verizon. To see more, click here.

Do you need to have a dedicated landline?

No, the unit will work on your existing phone line. If you don’t have a landline, we also have In-Home Cellular and GPS options available as well.

Does Bay Alarm Medical offer service in my area?

Bay Alarm Medical provides service nationwide.

How quickly can I get medical alert service?

Once the order is placed, we will have your medical alert system in the mail within 1 business day. Typically, the unit will arrive within 4-5 business days after shipment. Express shipping is also available. The system, once received can be installed and tested with our 27/7 Call Center and ready for service in about 5 minutes.

What do I need to do to install the medical alert system at my house?

All you need for installation is a standard electrical outlet and a standard phone jack. The electrical outlet should not be controlled by switch, to ensure that it is always receiving power. The medical alert system is configured to share a phone jack with an existing phone so you don’t have to move anything.

Will the medical alert base station be able to hear me anywhere in my house?

The system should work within most living areas depending on the number of walls and construction type. Our Monitoring Technicians are trained to treat every alarm as an emergency. If the signal reaches the base station and the operator cannot hear you, emergency services personnel will be automatically dispatched.

What if I live in a rural area? Can you still provide medical alert service?

For our landline medical alert, absolutely, as long as you have a phone line and power we can provide service. Our In-Home Cellular Medical Alert System is powered by AT&T’s cellular network coverage. Our GPS model is powered by AT&T, so there just has to be sufficient coverage in the area where you’ll be using the device (3 or more bars). You can check AT&T’s coverage map here.

How often should I test my medical alert system?

We will be silently checking the signals on our end every week, and we recommend that you test your system once a month by pressing the emergency button and waiting for the dispatcher to come over the line. Simply advise the dispatcher that you are just testing.

What happens if I accidentally press the emergency button?

Your system will be set off as it would in a real emergency, but don’t panic. A BAM dispatcher will come over the base unit to ask if you need help and you simply tell them it was an accident. Make sure you respond to them or they might think it is a real emergency and contact your family and/or send emergency personnel to your house.

Comparing Medical Alert Systems

How do I choose the right medical alert system for me?

Make sure you compare all the different medical alert companies out there. Use a reliable, unbiased review site to make your decision. We also invite you to check out our medical alert reviews page.

Also, educate yourself on all the different types of medical alert systems available. Check out our in-depth article discussing important factors to consider when choosing a medical alert system.

Lastly, speak to one of our knowledgeable and friendly customer care representatives. We’ll listen and help tailor a solution to fit your unique needs. We’d love to chat with you, even if you’re just shopping around at this time. Call us at 1-877-522-9633, email us at cs@bayalarmmedical.com, or request a brochure.

How can I see what customers are saying about Bay Alarm Medical?

We routinely ask existing customers that call in for service to rate our company. You can see all of our reviews via Google Reviews.

Who can I tell about your medical alert service?

If you know anyone who might need a medical alert system, we have a wonderful Refer-A-Friend program that will get you free service.

Get Started with Bay Alarm Medical Today!

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