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Home healthcare agency, medical alert can keep seniors independent

January 3, 2011

Many older adults may want to live in their homes as long as possible, even when a house becomes more difficult for them to maintain or mobility is limited. That’s why it can be important to find ways that help one stay safe and independent, according to Kaiser Health News.

At John Hopkins University, an innovative new service known as ElderPlus has recently shown some promising signs of success. This government-subsidized day care program can be a boon to seniors who want to stay active during their golden years, as well as stay out of an assisted living facility.

ElderPlus is part of the Program for All-Inclusive Care for Elderly (PACE), which aims to reduce hospital costs for older adults by keeping them safer. Geraldine Miller, 75, told the news source that the staff and friends she knows from the initiative are like a family to her.

“It’s just like you are at home, and if you have a problem, you always have someone you can go to,” she said.

Those who are looking to age in their homes may also want to invest in one or more types of medical alert systems. These devices can keep seniors safe by enabling residents to send a medical alert system to doctors or neighbors in the case of an emergency.

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