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Hospital plans senior-specific emergency room

September 2, 2010

One hospital has taken steps to accommodate the growing senior population in Canada by designing an emergency room that caters specifically to to senior citizens, according to The Times Herald.

St Joseph Mercy Port Huron will open on the first of January and be fully equipped with staff that is specially trained in geriatric emergency care, as well as the necessary health technologies for seniors.

The news source reports that some of the special additions to the room include pressure-reducing mattresses, soft lighting, noise buffers, oversized clocks, and non-slip floors. Another advantage is that the emergency room will be trained to help seniors through the sometimes overwhelming hospital process.

“Having been a child with an older parent, trying to navigate through the healthcare system, you often get lost in the shuffle,” Tammi Stableton, director of emergency services, told the news provider.

Frequent visits and stays at a hospital can be costly. Experts suggest that one way to reduce these expenses is to install a personal emergency response system, which will enable seniors to alert family or doctors if they are in need of assistance.

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