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Little Known Facts About Veterans Caregiver Benefits – And Why They Matter

June 14, 2016

As a veteran, after having served your country it’s only fitting that you have access to excellent benefits and services as a ‘thank you’ for the sacrifices you have made.  When an aging veteran chooses to age in place, they have access to additional benefits and support that civilians do not. Caregivers and spouses of veterans also have access to a variety of resources that can aid and support their journey.

Veterans Caregiver Benefits

The VA, or Veteran’s Affairs Department, not only provides support for veterans, but caregiver support for veterans, too. If you don’t know where to start, you may want to consider calling into the Caregiver Support Line (1-855-260-3274), which is managed by the VA. These licensed professionals will be able to assist you with the services you may be eligible for, help you access those services, connect you with the Caregiver Support Coordinator at a VA Hospital near your home or simply listen to the struggles you are experiencing.

If you feel as though you need a little more in-person contact to talk about your caregiving experience, you may consider the VA’s Caregiver Peer Support Mentoring Program. This special caregiver support for veterans was designed to “connect Caregivers to one another, to provide support, and to learn from each other.”


Stipends and Support


Caregiver stipends for veterans also exist to help take some of the financial pressure off of the caregiver. But, be warned, there are many steps and papers to sign before the support actually comes through.

According to an article on AgingCare, there is a financial stipend called Aid and Attendance, or A&A, which can provide up to $1,788 every month to veterans. A&A is basically an improved pension benefit for vets, and “allows for veterans and surviving spouses who need another person to assist them with eating, bathing, dressing, undressing, medication dosing, etc. to receive additional monetary benefits.”

Government Assistance Opportunities

Private programs and services that help support aging Americans can get pricey. The government, however, provides assistance opportunities for the following services:

• Adult Day Health Care Centers: These centers provide daytime supervision for veterans in a safe and active environment.
• Home-Based Primary Care: This service provides routine in-home health care services to veterans with medical issues.
• Skilled Home Care: A service for homebound veterans who have difficulty traveling to doctor’s appointments.
• Homemaker and Home Health Aide Program: This program provides services such as feeding, bathing and personal care needs.
• Home Telehealth: A service that connects you to a care coordinator using technology in your home, such as the telephone or computer.
• Respite Care: A wonderful service for caregivers to take a break and recharge. The VA offers caregivers up to 30 days of respite care per year.
• Home Hospice Care: This service provides vets who have a terminal illness with comfort and support at the end of life.


Natural Caregiver


Not everyone is suited for the role of caregiver, so take the time to consider this important decision. If you enjoy caring for others, and have a family member who is a veteran, you may want to consider becoming their caregiver. To learn more about how to become a caregiver for veterans, you can visit: http://www.caregiver.va.gov/resources_landing.asp

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