Do I Need A Landline To Use Bay Alarm Medical Alert Systems?
February 9, 2017
Kayla goes over options for customers without a traditional landline home phone service.
Video Transcript
Hi, I’m Kayla with Bay Alarm Medical and today I’m going to be answering a question that we get pretty commonly, which is do I need a landline to use the medical life alert system.
And the answer is “no.”
We have plenty of options for you if you don’t have a landline or we find that your landline is incompatible with our service. The main option would be our in-home cellular system. This is just going to plug into a power source, and you utilize AT&T’s cellular network to call our dispatch center for help.
Now if you’re more active outside of the home, we also have a GPS device that also uses
AT&T cellular networks. But it’s something you’re able to take with you on the go, rather than just cover you inside of your home.
Give us a call and we can ask you a couple questions to help you determine which system is going to be best for you. Our phone number is 877-522-9633. We can help you with all your questions about medical alert systems.
Thank you so much for watching.