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New healthcare app for smartphones helps caregivers

October 6, 2010

A new app that is designed to help caregivers keep track of important information about their patients, Allscripts Mobile Homecare, has been developed for smartphones, according to

This app offers a way for healthcare information to be easily stored, organized and transferred that doesn’t require unwieldy laptops. This means that caregivers can instantly update a patient database, whether they are recording a change in health, behavior or habits.

Allscripts Mobile Homecare appears to be an innovative addition to anyone who is caring for an older adult and needs to constantly have medical documentation on hand. This may make trips to the doctor much less complicated, providing a neat and orderly format for healthcare records.

“Homecare agencies and hospices are, for the first time, being understood as a critical component in the continuum of care,” Glen Tullman, CEO of Allscripts, said in a statement. “We need to leverage technology to provide clinicians, nurses and other caregivers in this space with better clinical information so when they receive patients from hospitals and other care environments, they can deliver optimal care.”

Caregivers may also want to consider placing a personal emergency response system in a patient’s home. This device can allow older adults to immediately contact medical professionals in the case of an emergency.

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