More seniors enjoying yoga for exercise
The New York Times has recently reported that one of the fastest growing groups that have taken up yoga is senior citizens. Many of these older adults claim that it has changed their lives b...
August 10, 2010
Older adults using internet to stay connected to loved ones
The Christian Science Monitor reports that more baby boomers and seniors are going online than ever before. Facebook is proving to be particularly popular - recent statistics have shown that...
August 6, 2010
One in three seniors fall each year
Dr Robert Barraco, the chief of geriatric trauma and trauma outreach at Lehigh Valley Health Network, told the Pocono Record that, in another 10 years, there would be about $50 billion spent...
July 28, 2010
Adult children stressed from caretaking duties
Recent research has revealed that the baby boomer generation is facing unprecedented levels of stress due to household care-taking duties, according to the Epoch Times. Many adults are juggl...
July 28, 2010
America’s Medical Media
Ask any pop culture pundit: American television is in a state of unprecedented flux. Whether it’s the on-demand immediacy of streaming or the instant reception of each new episode on socia...
February 18, 2010