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Pre-onset Alzheimer’s test could become a reality

December 27, 2010

Researchers in the United Kingdom believe that they may have found an early diagnosis test to check for Alzheimer’s symptoms far sooner than ever before, according to the BBC.

The groundbreaking study analyzed 105 healthy volunteers who underwent a lumbar puncture test as well as a brain scan to try to spot significant trends which lead to dementia.

Dr. Anne Corbett of the Alzheimer’s Society welcomed the study’s findings. “Detecting dementia early is really important. It can open doors to new treatment targets and could one day go hand in hand with an Alzheimer’s vaccine that scientists are edging towards.” she told the news source.

According to the American Alzheimer’s Association, over five million Americans in the United States have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Those who know someone who is exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer’s may consider the installation of a medical alarm in their loved one’s home. Medical alert systems are devices that can also be set to remind a loved one to take medications or can alert neighbors or doctors in an emergency.

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