Remote technology helps reduce hospital visits

August 19, 2010

A Veterans Affairs Hospital in West Virgina, has recently released the preliminary findings of a five-year telehealth program according to the West Virginia Gazette.

Telehealth is the practice of using remote technology in order to connect people with doctors and monitor them by sensors. In this way, seniors with chronic conditions can reduce hospital stays, receive diagnoses and even alleviate some symptoms through a virtual conference with a medical professional.

The news source reports that this particular program focuses on WWII veterans, 95 percent of whom live in rural areas where it is often hard to arrange a visit with a doctor. states that this technology has been used to oversee patients who were recently in the ER or hospital due to complications involving congestive heart failure, pulmonary disease, diabetes or hypertension, and provides health services to those with a wide range of conditions.

So far the participants in the program have managed to reduce their stays in hospitals from 108 to 42 days and ER visits have decreased from 190 to 150.

Significant advancements in remote health technology have been made across the field. Medical alert systems are affordable and effective ways to make sure that you have a way to notify someone in case of an emergency, especially if you are living alone.

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