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Senior alert system can help those in rural areas

November 11, 2010

Many senior citizens may not have access to the proper healthcare professionals because they live in isolated or rural communities. One new program in Rochester, New York, is working to address these issues, according to

The program, Livingston Help for Seniors, has helped seniors who were in need of assistance while aging at home. One diabetic patient who didn’t have a refrigerator was given one to store insulin, and professionals have helped other older adults with complicated paperwork and medical questions, as well as getting homes ready for winter.

Other technicians have also visited seniors to evaluate them for fall risk, depression and management of medication.

“This innovative project clearly demonstrates what can be accomplished to improve the quality of life for seniors and to keep them safe and home, through successful, local collaboration of primary care physicians, EMS, the health department, social services, and aging services,” Kaaren Smith, director, Livingston County Office for the Aging.

Older adults who live in rural areas may not have as much access to healthcare as others. A senior alert system may be a helpful device in this case, because it can allow users to instantly send a personal emergency response message to physicians or caregivers if they need assistance.

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