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Senior Organizations Endorse Medical Alert Devices

December 26, 2019

With surveys showing that 90% of seniors want to “age in place” senior organizations such as regularly highlights technologies that help improve seniors’ quality of life. Several senior advocacy organizations, like the AARP, have issued strong endorsements on the value of home medical alert devices (also known as personal emergency alert devices), noting that these life-saving alert systems help “adults remain independent in their own homes” and reassure adult children about their parents’ safety. Major organizations have studied the growing need and popularity of home medical life alert systems.

In 2012, when the Pew Research Center surveyed experts about smart home and tech trends that will affect seniors, Hal Varian, chief economist at Google, predicted that health will be the biggest trend driver.

“In the next decade there will be huge demand for home medical alert systems, and the market will respond to that need.” 

Generally speaking, people are living longer and healthier lives. Home medical alerts help them stay active, independent, and confident that they can easily summon help in an emergency.  The ease of use and setup are just some of the reasons why medical alert systems are endorsed by organizations such as AARP.

bay alarm medical in-home device with necklace

Four Reasons to Choose Bay Alarm’s Home Medical Alerts
1. Discreet Protection

You aren’t going to look “old” wearing one of Bay Alarm Medical’s pendants or bracelets.  We know that a fall alert system is no good if you won’t wear it. That’s why buttons are small, lightweight, and waterproof. With fitness trackers and other gadgets all the rage now, nobody will look twice at your medical alert bracelet. How much do these devices cost? To get a sense of this, compare Bay Alarm Medical with other medical alert providers – it’s easy to see the difference, so it pays to shop around.

grandparents wearing bay alarm medical devices and playing with granddaughter

2. Freedom of movement

Bay Alarm Medical’s GPS medical alert system goes where you do – to the market or to the mountains. Designed to keep you protected at home and away, it’s small, lightweight, and helps you maintain an active lifestyle. It also offers peace of mind to caregivers with the optional caregiver tracking package.

elderly woman holding bay alarm medical mobile gps device

3. Summon help fast

Not all emergencies are medical emergencies, but whatever the problem, you need to call for help quickly. People have used their medical alert buttons during home invasions, burglaries, and other emergency situations. One woman even summoned assistance when three confused deer jumped through a window in her home.

Bay Alarm Medical’s operators can dispatch first responders, share information about your medical history, and even notify friends or family members. Pushing a button is easier and quicker than running for the phone.

4. Affordable, no-contract protection

Bay Alarm Medical offers pricing and service flexibility.  There are no start-up costs, no minimum contract, free coverage for your spouse, and multi-lingual operators. Use the 30-day trial period to set-up and test the system. You can cancel at any time and receive a full refund for unused service.

Various senior organizations approve medical alert devices

bay alarm medical in-home system on the kitchen counter

The majority of senior organizations in the United States believe that home medical alert systems help seniors stay safe and independent. Bay Alarm Medical agrees. Contact us today to learn which medical alert system matches your needs and lifestyle. And for discounts on these devices, tips on saving and retail shopping deals, see our senior citizen discount article.

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