Top 5 Ways to Infuse Water

August 4, 2015

As you’ve probably gleaned from our previous article “Stay Hydrated with Clean Bottle This Summer,” Bay Alarm Medical is teaming up with Clean Bottle in order to combat senior dehydration one two square bottles at a time.

Filling the Clean Bottle twice a day ensures an intake of the recommended daily 6-8 glasses of water, which is particularly important for the senior population—many of whom miss the signs of thirst and become easily dehydrated.

Square bottles 2

The Clean Bottle not only acts as a reminder for seniors to drink more water, its ergonomic square design also eliminates the problem of dropped water bottles rolling away and under places that might be difficult for someone with mobility issues to reach.

The top and bottom of the bottle unscrew, making cleaning easy for the elderly because there’s no need to jam your hands into the bottle to reach the bottom corners—it also makes it easy to infuse your waters, especially when paired with an infuser module.

Flavor infused water makes drinking water more enjoyable and has the added benefits of whatever add-ins you choose. Infusing your Clean Bottle makes getting the daily water requirement easy AND enjoyable.

Here’s a list of some of our favorite add-ins:

  • Fruits—Citrus fruits and water should honestly just go ahead and get married because they work together. Simply adding sliced lemon to your Clean Bottle adds tang to your sip without the added sugars of lemonade. Melons are also a great choice, as they help to balance electrolytes.
  • Vegetables—Cucumbers might technically be a fruit, but for all intents and purposes let’s call them a vegetable. A cool, refreshing, delicious vegetable. Cucumber contains silica, which promotes joint health. Pair cucumber rounds with some muddled mint and it’s like a spa vacation for the taste buds.
  • Herbs—Speaking of mint, feel free to include ANY muddled herbs to your water for a flavor boost. Rosemary improves memory, elevates mood, boosts circulation and pairs in a lovely way in-season berries.
  • Spices—There is a stigma that the elderly “can’t handle” spice. Pish-posh. Spice is the spice of the life! Boiling the nub of a ginger root with lemon juice adds subtle interest to infused water without over-powering the taste buds. Ginger is also great for reducing aches in the joints and muscles, and is helpful in soothing upset stomachs.
  • Botanicals—Hibiscus is a beautiful flower that pairs well with sliced watermelon to help support respiratory health and alleviate blood pressure problems.

Here are some other tasty treats that lend themselves well to infusing:

  • Fruits/Vegetables – Coconut water, cucumber, strawberry, cherry, lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, pear, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, grape, mango, jalapeño pepper, celery, peach, nectarine, fennel, honeydew, and apple.
  • Herbs/Spices/Botanicals – Thyme, basil, sage, ginger root, black peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, cayenne, mint, lavender, rose petals, tea leaves, rosemary, vanilla

 Share your favorite recipe with us on Facebook and Twitter! #BayAlarmMedical


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