Philips Lifeline Pricing & Features Compared to Bay Alarm Medical

With zero startup fees, lower monthly costs and Five Diamond Certified monitoring centers, see why customers prefer Bay Alarm Medical over Philips Lifeline.

“name”:”Bay Alarm Medical”,

Activation Fees
Installation Fees
In-Home System
GPS Mobile System
Automatic Fall Detection
Five Diamond Monitoring Center
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No startup fees, Lower monthly fees, First class monitoring

Both Bay Alarm Medical and Philips Lifeline offer In-Home and GPS Mobile medical alert systems. Both companies offer an option for Automatic Fall Detection.   But if you compare our systems to Philips Lifeline, you’ll find that Bay Alarm Medical has much lower monthly fees and zero startup costs.

  • Philips Lifeline charges $50-99.95 for in activation fees, including a $29.95 just for self installation fees and $99 In-home installation fee. Bay Alarm Medical features no startup fees at all.
  • Bay Alarm Medical’s monthly cost can be significantly less than Philips Lifeline’s cost. How much less?  Our SOS Mobile GPS option costs as low as $31.95/month less than Philips Lifeline comparable system at $49.95/month.
  • Bay Alarm Medical’s monitoring service costs less than Philips Lifeline because we avoid expensive TV advertising campaigns. Instead, customers find us through personal recommendations and online reviews of our services. We don’t have to pay a lot of advertising; our satisfied customers help spread the word!
  • You want your medical alert system to be backed by fast, reliable monitoring.  Bay Alarm Medical’s monitoring center is  Five Diamond Certified by TMA (CSAA). Philips Lifeline doesn’t have this certification.

Bay Alarm Medical’s customers rely on us for affordable, reliable medical alert monitoring service. We’re proof that you can pay less and still get the highest quality service.

How Much Can You Save?

How much can Bay Alarm Medical save you compared to the cost of Philips Lifeline? In your first year alone, choosing Bay Alarm Medical GPS Mobile system can save you about $371.95 over a comparable system from Philips Lifeline.

Give us a call to learn more! 1-877-522-9633

We Speak Your Language

There’s a word for “help” in every language, and Bay Alarm Medical speaks most of them. Bay Alarm Medical has partnered with Language Line Services to provide non-English speaking seniors the same great protection that all of our clients already receive. We support over 170 languages, including Spanish, Russian and even Cherokee.

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