Take a Stand: Falls Prevention Awareness Day

September 23, 2015

As we say goodbye to summer and begin the fall season, Bay Alarm Medical is taking a stand to prevent falls. Today (yes, the first day of fall!) marks the 8th Annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day (FPAD) observed by the National Council on Aging (NCOA).

FPAD is very important to the Bay Alarm Medical team because we receive calls every day from people who have suffered from a fall. According to the NCOA, every 13 seconds, an older adult ends up in the emergency room due to a fall-related injury.

Many customers call us after they have already experienced a fall, admitting they were alone for hours before they were able to get help and wished they had a medical alert button to save them right away. It is very important to take action and prevent these scenarios. While medical life alert systems cannot actually prevent a person from falling, they offer 24/7 emergency help when the person is alone and unable to call for help themselves.

Our team supports NCOA’s mission to encourage activities and tools to keep adults healthy and safe. Aside from balanced meals and exercise, it is important to talk to your care provider about any medical conditions you may have that could lead to sudden falls or blackouts. It is also a good idea to review any medications you may be taking as they can often times give users side effects, such as dizziness or blurred vision, which could lead to falling.

Along with checking on health stats, keeping your home safe can keep you safe. NCOA recommends removing tripping hazards and adding grab bars in main areas of the home with a senior bathroom makeover.

Lastly, never be ashamed to ask for help and support from family members, friends or caregivers. Having that extra help and support can be very useful, such as having someone help you look for safety hazards in the home as well as install bars, a medical alert system or even assist with chores and errands.

To learn more about Falls Prevention Awareness Day, visit National Council on Aging. To get more information on medical alert systems and health and safety tips visit Bay Alarm Medical.

Resources you might find helpful

Infographic: Risks & Costs of Senior Fall Injuries

5 Signs It’s Time for a Medical Alert System

The Truth Behind Automatic Fall Detection Systems

Infographic on the value of evidence-based falls prevention programs.
National Council on Aging


This year’s theme is Take a Stand to Prevent Falls and the official hashtag for this year’s event is #FPAD15

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